Concrete vibrator hose is divided into two as mechanical and electronic. We are offering repair service to all concrete vibrator hose brands and models. We identify problems in our products in the shortest time possible and we complete repair after your approval. We are informing you at the beginning and end of the process and offer a transparent service.
Electric Concrete Vibrator Hose Malfunction
- Hose Deformation
- Clamp (Connecting Clamp) Rupture
Mechanical Concrete Vibrator Hose Malfunction
- Breaks and rupture between bottle and hose
- Wire Cut
- Wire Adapter Deformation
- Engine Adapter Deformation
- Lack of Grease in Hose
Important Note: We are not offering technical support to unbranded or Chinese manufactured concrete vibrator hoses due to spare part supply in our service. Thank you for your understanding!